Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Movies with Fuckin' Tom Cruise

One time, my father said to me "Tom, movies are a series of still images displayed rapidly in succession so as to create the appearance of motion, that are fun to watch. With like explosions and shit. Films, on the other hand, are the same kinda moving-picture thing that are fucking boring, but if you pretend to like one sometimes you can get laid."

Pretty fuckin smart, huh? Especially that part about how you can get laid maybe if you pretend to like boring shit. That works for other boring shit too, fellas.

Anyway, I like movies. They're fuckin fun, and hell sometimes you can get a real slut to go down on you during one, and I bet nobody every got head watching The Notebook with like a grandma three seats away. I like movies, and I figured that since fucking cool as shit Inglorious Basterds is gonna come out I'd talk about it. About like, a bunch of movies that I like, even ones that aren't new, like The Godfather or Raging Bull or The Godfather Part II.

So, uh, look for posts about fuckin movies and shit comin up.

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